New highly automated logistics center brings hundreds of jobs in logistics and medicine.



Construction has officially started for a state-of-the-art logistics center in Varberg, Halland. Apotea, Sweden’s largest online pharmacy, is spearheading the development of this new logistics hub on the west coast, and the groundbreaking ceremony has taken place at Holmagärde, just outside Varberg.

A Significant Investment for Halland

The expansive logistics center is set to cover an area of 30,000 square meters and is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

Situated close to the E6 highway, the 30,000-square-meter facility represents a significant investment in the region. Not only will it serve as a logistical cornerstone for Apotea, but it is also anticipated to generate hundereds of new job opportunities. The positions will span various roles within the logistics sector and medicine.

Clear Sustainability Profile

The logistics center will be highly automated with a clear sustainability profile, green energy solutions, and a solar panel installation on the roof.

The location next to the E6 and the proximity to both Gothenburg and Malmö are highlighted as important factors, but also the access to electricity supply. The municipality of Varberg is happy that this establishment can mean hundreds of new jobs.

Martin Andersson, Business Director, Varberg Municipality

Strategic Factors and Job Creation: Varberg’s View on Apotea’s Investment

In response to Apotea’s investment, Martin Andersson, business director in Varberg municipality, provides his perspective.

“The location next to the E6 and the proximity to both Gothenburg and Malmö are highlighted as important factors, but also the access to electricity supply. The municipality of Varberg is happy that this establishment can mean hundreds of new jobs.”

New cross-laminated timber facility in Halland.


A new cross-laminated timber (CLT) facility is inaugurated at Södra in Varberg, Halland. The facility is one of the largest in Sweden and marks a tenfold increase in Södra’s production capacity.

The new CLT facility broadens the market for construction materials while also promoting sustainable construction and more sustainable communities. A key part of Södra’s Group strategy is a future-proofed industrial structure that creates a leading offering for customers and consumers.

Södra’s assignment is to renew and improve the value of forest estates and our new CLT facility is one way to do exactly that. Today is a proud moment for Södra’s entire organisation – members, employees and customers are continuing to work together to build stronger value chains that enable us to meet society’s demand for sustainable and innovative products from family forestry.

Lotta Lyrå, CEO of Södra

The plant at Värö is one of the largest in Sweden for the production of CLT with the capacity to supply framing materials for just over 4,000 homes per year, a tenfold increase in Södra’s production capacity. By investing in production at Värö, Södra is close to several developing regions for CLT in the Nordic region. Logistically, the product can also be easily shipped to international markets from the port in Varberg. CLT production is completely fossil free as it uses green energy produced at Södra’s pulp mill at Värö.

Guests of honour included the County Governor and Chair of the municipal council
150 curious guests attended the inauguration, from both the local area and abroad. During the day, the inauguration was celebrated with speeches and a guided tour of the facility. Guests of honour included Brittis Benzler, County Governor in Halland Municipality.

“One prerequisite for meeting the emissions-reduction targets is broad-based cooperation among companies, authorities and politicians – when we work together towards the same objective. Another is that we show that it is possible to achieve the targets, which will instil hope and in turn create engagement and a sense of responsibility. I am therefore delighted to take part in this inauguration,” says Brittis Benzler, County Governor in Halland Municipality.

The investment in a new plant at Värö has led to recruitment of 90 new Södra employees to the company’s Building Systems segment, which is responsible for producing CLT. This was welcomed by Ann-Charlotte Stenkil, Chair of Varberg’s municipal council, who was also a guest at the inauguration.


150 curious guests attended the inauguration, from both the local area and abroad.


“This type of establishment is very important for Varberg. It creates many jobs. It also makes sustainable and large-scale timber construction possible – both housing and commercial premises. The plant is also very impressive in terms of its size, logistics and efficiency,” says Ann-Charlotte Stenkil, Chair of Varberg’s municipal council.

Södra’s goal is to be the leading CLT producer in the Nordic region
CLT has many different applications and has become increasingly prevalent in Swedish buildings within a short period of time. The material can be used to construct high-rise buildings, industrial halls and schools in timber, and by using Södra’s CLT the building’s carbon footprint can be reduced by up to 80 percent. Södra’s goal is to be the leading operator in the Nordic region in solid timber construction by increasing the value of the raw material for family forestry in an innovative manner – from seedling to finished product.



CLT has many different applications and has become increasingly prevalent in Swedish buildings within a short period of time.


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